Dost Muhammad Khan Javanshir
Dost Mahomed Khan Juwansheer Kazalbash Naib of Rahim
Dil Khan, possesses some wealth, is distinguished in the field, has a lac and
half rupees, and as his title intimates is in the confidence of that Sardar.
(Signed) R. LEECH, Assistant.
N. B. The resources, military and financial, of Candahar, will be
treated in a separate paper.
(True Copy)
(Signed) A. BURNES
(True Copy)
Deputy Secretary to Government of India, with the Governor General.
Notice on the affair of Candahar in 1838, with a sketch of the preceding
Dooranee history by Lieut. R. Leech. // Reports and Papers, Political,
Geographical, & Commercial Submitted to Government by Alexander Burnes,
Lieutenant Leech, Doctor Lord, and Lieutenant Wood, Employed on Missions in the
Years 1835-36-37 in Scinde, Affghanisthan, and Adjacent Countries. — Calcutta:
G.H. Huttmann, Bengal Military Orphan Press, 1839, p. 59.
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