Haji Qulam Huseyn Khan Shahseven
Asaf-ud-Daulah (Haji Ghulam Husain Khan, Shahsavan).
Born about 1834. Is the eldest son of the late Haji Husain Khan,
Nizam-ud-Daulah, who until 1874 had the title of Sahab-ul-Mulk and was Governor
of Khurasan, 1873-74. Is the Chief of the Shahsavan tribe since 1893, when his
cousin, who was the Chief, died of cholera. Since then he also commands the
1,000 men irregular cavalry which the tribe has in the service of the
Government. He received the title of Shahab-ul-Mulk in 1872, when his father
was made Nizam-ud-Daulah. Later he received the title of Asaf-ud-Daulah, that
of Shahab-ul-Mulk being transferred to his eldest son. He has four sons: Shahab-ul-Mulk,
the eldest; Shaukat-us-Saltanah Amir Husain Khan; and two others. He has during
the last forty years been successfully transferred from one Provincial
Governorship to another. From 1904 to 1907 he was Governor-General of Khurasan
and was dismissed in February 1907 at the instance of the National Assembly on
a charge of complicity in the sale of Persian women to the Turkomans. He was
tried on this charge and acquitted. Was Minister of the Interior under the
Parliamentary regime from October 1907 until February 1908 and appointed
Governor-General of Fars, June 1908. Although he gave satisfaction to His
Majesty’s Consul-General while Governor of Khurasan he proved too weak in Fars.
Knows no European languages, and is by way of being a very pious Moslem. Title
of Asaf-ud-Daulah given to Mahomed Salek Khan, see No. 576, p. 14. Died, March
30th, 1910.
Who's who in Persia. Calcutta: General Staff, India, 1916-1923, p. 51.
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