Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Ali Naghi Khan Qarai (1899―1904)

Ali Naghi Khan Qarai

Is a leading headman of the Karai tribe of Turbat-i-Haideri, and Sartip of the Karai battalion which is at present on duty in Seistan.
According to the Sani-ud-Dowleh, quoted by Colonel ate in his “Khorasan and Seistan,” and Gazetteer of Persia, the Karai is a Turk tribe of Khorasan inhabiting the district of Turbat-i-Haideri. A large number of their families were removed from Turkistan to Syria by one of the Mongol Kings, whence they were brought to Fars by Amir Timur and afterwards from Fars to Khorasan by Shah Ismail Safavi. The Chiefs of this tribe were semi0independent in the early part of the last century and Ishak Khan Karai, who was then Chief of this tribe, acquired great power and broke out into rebellion during the reign of Fath Ali Shah. In 1815 he and his son Hasan Ali Khan were killed at Meshed by Muhammad Vali, Mirza. The second son, Muhammad Khan Karai, then rebelled, but was subdued by Hasan Ali, Mirza, Shuja-us-Sultaneh in 1819. In 1829 he again rebelled and took possession of Meshed. He was however defeated and ejected from Meshed by the troops of Ahmad Ali, Mirza, son of Fath Ali Shah, who was then Governor-General of Khorasan. After his death the Chiefs of the Karai tribe lost their independence, and gradually the hereditary Chiefship was abolished and the tribe was put under the governor of Turbat-i-Haideri. Abdur Raza Khan, another leading headman of the Karais, is the Sartip of the Karai sowars. Shaji-ul-Mulk and Abdur Reza Khan are descendants of Ishak Khan Karai.

Notes on the Leading Notables, Officials, Merchants, and Clergy of Khorasan, Seistan, Kain, and Kerman. ― Simla: Government Central Press. // 'Seistan', British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, Mss Eur F111/352, 1899―1904, p. 9.

1 comment:

  1. He was not a member of the Qarai tribe and not a descendant of Ishaq Khan Qarai. The British got it wrong!

    He belonged to Khazai (Khazaei) clan from Dowlatabad (Daulatabad) Village in Turbat-i Heydariyeh region. He was ruler of Dowlatabad and also he was the commander of Qarai Battalion of the State of Khurasan and Sistan in Persia. His title was Shaji ul-Mulk.

    He is the old man in the photograph from the link below:

    Also the other individual named Abdur Riza Khan, was not a member of the Qarai tribe. He was from Qandashtan (Ghandashtan) Village in Turbat-i Heydariyeh region. He was the commander of Qarai Cavalry and his title was Shuja ul-Mamalik.
